1941, Born on this day, Dave Berry, singer who had the 1964 UK No.5 single 'The Crying Game'.
1942, Born on this day, John London, session bass player. He worked with The Monkees, Linda Ronstadt, James Taylor and The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band. London died on February 12th 2000.
1945, Born on this day, Bob Marley, singer / songwriter and guitarist who had the 1981 UK No.8 single with ‘No Woman No Cry’, plus over ten other UK Top 40 singles and the 1976 US No.8 & UK No. 15 album ‘Rastaman Vibration’. Marley died of cancer on May 11th 1981. The 1984 ‘Best Of’ album spent 330 weeks on the UK chart. In 1990, February 6th was proclaimed a national holiday in Jamaica to commemorate his birth. Inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1994.
1946, Born on this day Canadian folk singer Kate McGarrigle. Once married to folk singer Loudon Wainwright lll, Kate is the mother of singers Rufus and Martha Wainwright. She rose to prominence with sister Anna when they recorded together in the 1970s. McGarrigle died of cancer on 18th Jan 2010.
1947, Born on this day, Peter Lucia, Tommy James and the Shondells who had the 1966 US No.1 single 'Hanky Panky', and the 1968 UK No.1 single 'Mony Mony'.
1947, Born on this day, Alan Jones, sax, Amen Corner who had the 1969 UK No.1 single 'If Paradise Is Half As Nice' plus five other UK Top 40 hits.
1950, Born on this day, Mike Batt, songwriter, and the man behind The Wombles, who had the 1974 UK No.3 single 'Remember You're A Womble'. Batt wrote 'Bright Eyes' the 1979 UK No.1 single for Art Garfunkel and discovered UK singer, songwriter Katie Melua.
1950, Born on this day, Natalie Cole, US singer, who had the 1989 UK No.2 single 'Miss You Like Crazy', Natalie is the daughter of Nat 'King' Cole.
1962, Born on this day, Axl Rose, (born William Bruce Rose), singer with Guns N' Roses who had the 1987 US No.1 album 'Appetite For Destruction' which spent 158 week's on the UK chart and the 1988 US No.1 & 1989 UK No.6 single 'Sweet Child O' Mine'. Finally released the long delayed album 'Chinese Democracy' album in 2008 which had been recorded over many years.
1962, Born on this day, Richie McDonald, guitarist and singer with Lonestar who had the 2000 US No.1 & UK No. 21 single 'Amazed'.
1966, Born on this day, Rick Astley, singer who had the 1987 UK & US No.1 single 'Never Gonna Give You Up', which became the UK biggest seller of 87. Astley scored 7 other UK Top 10 hits, and the 1987 UK No.1 album 'Whenever You Need Somebody' spent 34 weeks on UK chart..
1980, Born on this day, Yasutaka Nakata, Japanese musician, songwriter, record producer and DJ. In addition to his own group Capsule, he is the exclusive songwriter, arranger and producer for singer Kyary Pamyu Pamyu (two No.1 Japanese albums) and electro-pop group Perfume (four No.1 Japanese albums).
Η ακινησία είναι θάνατος. Στάση ζωής. Το τέλος μπορεί να περιμένει λίγο ακόμα. Πριν χαθούμε. Λίγο ροκ ακόμα πριν μας αγκαλιάσει οριστικά το φως. Η μουσική είναι μονάδα μέτρησης για μας. Ο πόνος περικλείει ελευθερία. Όνειρα που καίγονται σαν κεριά, αφήνοντας σημάδια στα χέρια. Χαρίζει σιωπές. Μας κάνει πιο δυνατούς. Στο φόβο του ταξιδιού κρύβεται η συνέχεια. Η συλλογή των κομματιών μας. Αυτό το ροκ δεν θα τελειώσει ποτέ. Όλα είναι δρόμος.
Σταύρος Σταυρόπουλος
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Henry David Thoreau
« Όταν ακούω μουσική,
Δεν νιώθω κανέναν κίνδυνο.
Είμαι άτρωτος.
Δεν βλέπω εχθρό.
Είμαι συγγενής με τους παλαιότερους χρόνους και με τους νεότερους .”
Η μουσική, το φεγγαρόφωτο και τα όνειρα, είναι τα μαγικά μας όπλα.
Το φεγγάρι που επιμηκύνει τις σκιές κάνοντας τα δέντρα να φαίνονται μεγαλύτερα.
Τα όνειρα να είναι μέρος του εαυτού μας...Ναι… και τι θλίψη να ξυπνάμε….
Και μέσα στα σπλάχνα της μουσικής να ταξιδεύει η σκέψη μας.
Και η ροκ είναι τούτο - Πέτρα που κυλάει, ανατρέπει, αμφισβητεί, δεν πείθεται και δε σταματάει, κόντρα στα κρατούντα, κόντρα σε όσα οι άλλοι θεωρούν δεδομένα
« Η μουσική είναι το κρασί που γεμίζει το φλιτζάνι της σιωπής. ”
Alexis Korner
«Σε όλη μου τη ζωή πρέπει να υπέφερα από βαριά σχιζοφρένεια. Ο ένας μου εαυτός , αυτός που ακούει ό,τι δεν μπορεί να παίξει ο άλλος, είναι αυτός που κυριαρχεί...»
Music is our, it is us, and like us it is always here surrounding us, like the infinite particles that make up life, it cannot be seen, but can only be felt, like life!"
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