1924, Born on this day, Lee Marvin, actor and singer who had a UK 1970 UK No.1 single with ‘Wand’rin Star’, taken from the film 'Paint Your Wagon'. Marvin died on August 29th 1987.
1940, Born on this day, Bobby Rogers, singer with The Miracles who had the 1970 UK & US No.1 single with Smokey Robinson 'Tears of a Clown'.
1940, Born on this day, Smokey Robinson, singer, songwriter and producer who with The Miracles had the 1970 UK & US No.1 single 'The Tears Of A Clown'. As a solo artist Robinson scored the 1981 UK No.1 & US No.2 single 'Being With You'. He became the vice President of Motown Records in 1972. During the course of his 50-year career in music, Robinson has accumulated more than 4,000 songs to his credit.
1943, Born on this day, Lou Christie, US singer, who had the 1966 US No.1 single 'Lightnin Strikes', and the 1969 UK No.2 single 'I'm Gonna Make You Mine'.
1946, Born on this day, Pierre Van Den Linden, drummer with Focus who had the 1973 UK No.4 single 'Sylvia', 1973 US No. 9 single 'Hocus Pocus'.
1948, Born on this day, Toni Iommi, guitarist with Black Sabbath who had the 1970 UK No.4 single 'Paranoid'. The bands self-titled album was voted as the best British rock album ever by Kerrang! in 2005. At the age of 17 and on his last day of work in a sheet metal factory, he lost the tips of the middle and ring finger of his right hand. After attempting to learn to play right-handed, Iommi instead strung his guitars with lighter strings and made thimbles to extend his fingers.
1948, Born on this day, Mark Andes, from American group Spirit who had the 1969 US No.25 single 'I Got A Line On You'. Also joined Jo Jo Gunne, who had the 1972 UK No.6 & US No. 27 single 'Run Run Run'.
1950, Born on this day, Andy Powell, guitarist with English prog rock group Wishbone Ash who had the 1972 UK No.3 album 'Argus', and eight other Top 40 albums.
1957, Born on this day, Dave Wakeling, from The Beat, who had the 1983 UK No.3 single 'Can't Get Used To Losing You'.
1957, Born on this day, Falco, (Hans Holzl), who had the1986 UK & US No.1 single 'Rock Me Amadeus'. Falco became the first-ever Austrian act to score a UK and US No.1 hit single. He was killed in a car accident on 6th February 1998.
1960, Born on this day, Prince Mark D, rapper with the Fat Boys who had the 1988 UK No.2 single 'Wipeout'.
1963, Born on this day, Henry Samuel, singer, songwriter, (Seal). Had the 1991 UK No.2 single 'Crazy', and the 1995 US No.1 & UK No.4 single 'Kiss From A Rose'. His 1991 self-titled album spent 65 weeks on the UK chart.
1975, Born on this day, Daniel Adair, drummer with 3 Doors Down who had the 2003 US No.4 single 'When I'm Gone'. Joined Nickelback in 2005.
Η ακινησία είναι θάνατος. Στάση ζωής. Το τέλος μπορεί να περιμένει λίγο ακόμα. Πριν χαθούμε. Λίγο ροκ ακόμα πριν μας αγκαλιάσει οριστικά το φως. Η μουσική είναι μονάδα μέτρησης για μας. Ο πόνος περικλείει ελευθερία. Όνειρα που καίγονται σαν κεριά, αφήνοντας σημάδια στα χέρια. Χαρίζει σιωπές. Μας κάνει πιο δυνατούς. Στο φόβο του ταξιδιού κρύβεται η συνέχεια. Η συλλογή των κομματιών μας. Αυτό το ροκ δεν θα τελειώσει ποτέ. Όλα είναι δρόμος.
Σταύρος Σταυρόπουλος
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Henry David Thoreau
« Όταν ακούω μουσική,
Δεν νιώθω κανέναν κίνδυνο.
Είμαι άτρωτος.
Δεν βλέπω εχθρό.
Είμαι συγγενής με τους παλαιότερους χρόνους και με τους νεότερους .”
Η μουσική, το φεγγαρόφωτο και τα όνειρα, είναι τα μαγικά μας όπλα.
Το φεγγάρι που επιμηκύνει τις σκιές κάνοντας τα δέντρα να φαίνονται μεγαλύτερα.
Τα όνειρα να είναι μέρος του εαυτού μας...Ναι… και τι θλίψη να ξυπνάμε….
Και μέσα στα σπλάχνα της μουσικής να ταξιδεύει η σκέψη μας.
Και η ροκ είναι τούτο - Πέτρα που κυλάει, ανατρέπει, αμφισβητεί, δεν πείθεται και δε σταματάει, κόντρα στα κρατούντα, κόντρα σε όσα οι άλλοι θεωρούν δεδομένα
« Η μουσική είναι το κρασί που γεμίζει το φλιτζάνι της σιωπής. ”
Alexis Korner
«Σε όλη μου τη ζωή πρέπει να υπέφερα από βαριά σχιζοφρένεια. Ο ένας μου εαυτός , αυτός που ακούει ό,τι δεν μπορεί να παίξει ο άλλος, είναι αυτός που κυριαρχεί...»
Music is our, it is us, and like us it is always here surrounding us, like the infinite particles that make up life, it cannot be seen, but can only be felt, like life!"
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