1915, Born on this day, Lorne Greene, star of the NBC TV show Bonanza. He had a US No.1 single ‘Ringo’, which made him the second Canadian to have a US No.1 single, a No.22 hit in the UK. Greene died on September 11th 1987.
1939, Born on this day, Ray Manzarek, keyboards, with The Doors, who had the 1967 US No.1 & UK No.9 single 'Light My Fire' and the 1971 single 'Riders On The Storm'. Manzarek died on 20th May 2013, he had suffered from bile duct cancer for many years. He formed the band with lead singer Jim Morrison in 1965 after a chance meeting in Venice Beach, Los Angeles.
1942, Born on this day, Rick Frank, drummer with Elephant's Memory who worked with John Lennon on his 1972 album 'Some Time In New York City.'
1945, Born on this day, Joe Schermie, bass, Three Dog Night, who had the 1970 UK No.3 & US No.1 single 'Mama Told Me Not To Come'.
1949, Born on this day, Stanley Knight, from American group Black Oak Arkansas, who had the 70's US No.1 radio hit single 'Jim Dandy To The Rescue'.
1950, Born on this day, Steve Hackett, guitarist who had the, 1974 UK No.21 single 'I Know What I Like In Your Wardrobe', with Genesis who he quit in 1977 for solo work.
1951, Born on this day, Vincent James, Sweet Sensation, who had the 1974 UK No.1 single with 'Sad Sweet Dreamer'.
1952, Born on this day, Grammy Award winning American singer and songwriter Michael McDonald, who with The Doobie Brothers had the 1979 US No.1 single 'What A Fool Believes', and the 1993 UK No.7 single 'Long Train Runnin'. He began his career singing back-up vocals with Steely Dan.
1958, Born on this day, Grant McLennan, bass, vocals, songwriter with Australian group The Go-Betweens. McLennan died in his sleep at his home in Brisbane, Australia on 6th May 2006.
1959, Born on this day, Neil Conti, from English group Prefab Sprout who had the 1988 UK No.7 single 'The King Of Rock 'n' Roll'.
1959, Born on this day, Per Gessle, guitar, vocals, with Swedish group Roxette, who had the 1990 US No.1 & UK No.3 single 'It Must Of Been Love'.
1966, Born on this day, Gary Whelan, drummer with Manchester group Happy Mondays, who had the 1990 UK No.5 single 'Step On'.
1966, Born on this day, Paul Crook, American guitarist, who worked with Meat Loaf, Anthrax and Sebastian Bach.
1968, Born on this day, Chynna Phillips, singer with Wilson Phillips, who had the 1990 US No.1 & UK No.6 single 'Hold On'. Phillips is the daughter of Michelle Gilliam, from Mamas And The Papas.
1970, Born on this day, Jim Creeggan, bassist with Canadian group Barenaked Ladies who had the 1998 US No.1 & UK No.5 single 'One Week'.
1978, Born on this day, Brian Chase, drummer, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, (2006 UK No. 18 single 'Gold Lion').
1981, Born on this day, Lisa Hannigan, Irish singer with Damien Rice. Appeared on his 2003 album 'O' featuring the single 'Cannonball.'
Η ακινησία είναι θάνατος. Στάση ζωής. Το τέλος μπορεί να περιμένει λίγο ακόμα. Πριν χαθούμε. Λίγο ροκ ακόμα πριν μας αγκαλιάσει οριστικά το φως. Η μουσική είναι μονάδα μέτρησης για μας. Ο πόνος περικλείει ελευθερία. Όνειρα που καίγονται σαν κεριά, αφήνοντας σημάδια στα χέρια. Χαρίζει σιωπές. Μας κάνει πιο δυνατούς. Στο φόβο του ταξιδιού κρύβεται η συνέχεια. Η συλλογή των κομματιών μας. Αυτό το ροκ δεν θα τελειώσει ποτέ. Όλα είναι δρόμος.
Σταύρος Σταυρόπουλος
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Henry David Thoreau
« Όταν ακούω μουσική,
Δεν νιώθω κανέναν κίνδυνο.
Είμαι άτρωτος.
Δεν βλέπω εχθρό.
Είμαι συγγενής με τους παλαιότερους χρόνους και με τους νεότερους .”
Η μουσική, το φεγγαρόφωτο και τα όνειρα, είναι τα μαγικά μας όπλα.
Το φεγγάρι που επιμηκύνει τις σκιές κάνοντας τα δέντρα να φαίνονται μεγαλύτερα.
Τα όνειρα να είναι μέρος του εαυτού μας...Ναι… και τι θλίψη να ξυπνάμε….
Και μέσα στα σπλάχνα της μουσικής να ταξιδεύει η σκέψη μας.
Και η ροκ είναι τούτο - Πέτρα που κυλάει, ανατρέπει, αμφισβητεί, δεν πείθεται και δε σταματάει, κόντρα στα κρατούντα, κόντρα σε όσα οι άλλοι θεωρούν δεδομένα
« Η μουσική είναι το κρασί που γεμίζει το φλιτζάνι της σιωπής. ”
Alexis Korner
«Σε όλη μου τη ζωή πρέπει να υπέφερα από βαριά σχιζοφρένεια. Ο ένας μου εαυτός , αυτός που ακούει ό,τι δεν μπορεί να παίξει ο άλλος, είναι αυτός που κυριαρχεί...»
Music is our, it is us, and like us it is always here surrounding us, like the infinite particles that make up life, it cannot be seen, but can only be felt, like life!"
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